Friday, October 21, 2022

Lost Mesa Verde Times Part Five

  Check out how Mom is right in the middle of a sentence with her mouth flapping open! Haha. At first it was strange to see these animatronics moving as we touched them but a few times in we didn't even notice anymore. If you feel like wasting hours of your life you can find the footage I was shooting in this picture and match it all up into a coherent timeline. I might get to it when I retire.

 Wanna buy me a beer? Hit that nice donate button over there to the right. 


  1. 12pack donated. Or a case of shitty beer. So many nights up till 2am reading this blog back in 2012.

    I'm the definition of a Tomorrow's Child, and I'm paving the way to the new city scape 1 microprocessor at a time
