Friday, November 26, 2010

Happy Birthday Davey...again

Back to the hardest scene to sneak into. The famous "Birthday Scene".

In the future babies can levitate or maybe the gravity's out of whack. In any case this was a cool little scene to behold. Most riders (we included) only paid attention to the holograms. It was only when we made it in that we realized the awesome attention to detail.

The UFO cake was almost impossible to see from your ride vehicle let alone the cool little alien....

.....with the rocket strapped to his back:)

It just dawned on me that we never told just how we got into this scene. I believe another Hoot and Chief Adventure Comic is in order!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. I just found this website not too long ago. Thank you.

  2. Phil - I envy you, having 2 years worth of posts to read through for the first time. Enjoy it... savor it. Open every picture to full size and soak up the detail, watch every video, read every comment. You've got a lot to look forward to.

    JStone - you're right, that's one ugly baby. I think he's got a load in his blue space diaper too.

  3. Believe me I have been. This ride is responsible for me enrolling in engineering school.

  4. YES!! More posts. Ah, to live in a pastel-colored future...Thanks for continuing the journey.

    Galen (cp250)

  5. This is the crazy level of detail that Imagineers can go to. I love it. It's what makes Disney, Disney. Oh how I miss the times of elaborate dark rides...

  6. Just had to say, thank you for the new posts. Can't wait for the next hoot/chief comic as well.

  7. What the hell is wrong with that kid's knees?

  8. Forget the knees. What's wrong with Dad's face? Is he recovering from wisdom teeth extraction? Does he have a periodontal abscess? Mumps? Baby allergy? Cake allergy? Lorange allergy? Lorange cake allergy? Lorange baby cake allergy (made with real babies)?
