Wow. That was the most fun I have had in a long time.
I honestly didn't think it would be THAT kick ass but it was. When Chief, who is a member of D23, asked me if I wanted to go I said yes mostly because it would be a reason to spend time with him for two days on Disney property. I didn't think we'd see anything of merit because I've grown to think that the history of Walt Disney World wasn't very important to the company or Disney fans.
Hoot Gibson was wrong. here are some things that blew me away:
The Western River Expedition flow through video. That's more WRE material than I ever thought existed! Wonderful.
DreanFinder, the REAL fuckin' DREAMFINDER, singing "One little Spark" with Richard Sherman........... LIVE!
WDW construction pics.
The folks at the Disney Archives like Hoot and Chief!
Debbie Dane Brown, the 1971 Ambassador, likes Hoot and Chief and hugged us at will!
We met fellow bloggers. The exact guys who inspired me to start Mesa Verde Times. Check it out.
Left to right:
1. George of fame! Great material and I can't believe we finally got to meet him.
2. Dr Joe, official Surgeon General of Mesa Verde Times. It was great to hang out with him for the entire weekend. Joe drinks beer and so do I ..........we drank us some beer! We also met his wonderful family. We're working on some WEDCON stuff with Joe.
3. Hoot Lariat Gibson
4. Thunder Chief my dear pal.
Michael Crawford of Progress City USA! Love this blog! I was sort of nervous to meet this guy because his blog is very professional and I wasn't sure if he liked our stuff or not.
6. Chris Wallace was there as well. He gave me a free t-shirt on Saturday but i got drunk Saturday night and lost it. Debbie Dane must have it. Wink wink. He's doing wonderful work and his renderings are beautiful. Click on his name, suckas!
We had fun. We found ourselves in a an employee break area or two.......or three looking for sweet retro trash cans:
..and meeting up with old "pals"

Good times