That's love right there, folks.
And yet another grove shot. You would think there was futuristic wacky weed growing in that plywood and plaster farmland seeing how much time Hoot and I spent there. Just wait until you see the footage of the two of us crawling around underneath it on our hands and knees just to get to the video monitor projections in the control tower. I would do it all again in a millisecond!! Enjoy!
Here is a compilation of backdrop paintings from what I am calling 'Hoot Tape 2'. Enjoy!
Here is another grove shot, from a wider angle so you can see pretty much the entire grove. And in this shot you can see two flying harvester projections on the wall. Enjoy!
It's too early to announce it but it looks like an independant film will soon be made about our adventures! We've been thinking about this for a couple months and it looks like everything is coming together. Several film makers have contacted us about such a project and we think we've found the right person to pull it off.
Mesa Verde Times won't change a bit except for an update or two about the film. In fact we see this blog going on forever because we have a SHIT LOAD of material!
Thank you for the kind words Horizons fans! We'll be here to entertain you for the rest of your lives.