Friday, June 29, 2012

Lost Video Part Two!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I love how there were details in areas guest don't normally see, that's the stuff you don't see anymore. Also: the GE logo was just turned off? I always thought they just put a plank of painted wood infront of it until now..

  3. these are awesome.. love hearing the banter back before you guys had really figured out what you could and couldn't get away with

    please... more more more :)

  4. Oh how I wish I had someone to negatively... errr... positively influence me to have the balls to jump out of my car. Alas every time I road this I was with a parental unit of some sort and it wouldn't have flown. Should we ever perfect time travel, I'm heading back to find you guys and join you on these adventures.

  5. Just another note - the very end of this video is incredible. You walk outside and it's quiet! No screaming, no "vroom"... no test track!

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