Hi folks. Before I lose my mind let me welcome all 202 of you to Mesa Verde Times. I hope the people who are new here get a kick out of it and if you have any questions feel free to write to us at
mesaverdetimes@gmail.com. To our old pals, there's more to come so stay tuned.
Ok. Time to blow my stack. Remember how I said we'd be posting news articles from 1983 regarding our beloved Horizons? I was digging through our archives today and found this gem.

This article is from the Orlando Sentinel, Oct. 1st 1983 and whatever hack ass wrote it wasn't credited. We already know that Horizons wasn't a "smash" hit when it opened but this clown thinks he's Mr Funny and tries to poke fun at it only to say nice things at the end. A futile attempt at saving his job as King Douche Bag Intern at the Sentinel.
First he fucks up by assuming that GE developed the attraction. "Few visionaries work for corporations". Walt Disney was a visionary you ass clown and he nor his staff worked for GE.
"offers little that is startling" ....REALLY?? I suppose this shit-hook flew to the Sentinel building in his Hover Lift. He even goes as far as to say that if you saw Star Wars you'd have no need for this attraction.
After this initial bashing he comes to his senses and unknowingly writes about the things he was impressed by. You see, he tried to come at Horizons like "Mr Funny of all cynics" but found himself unable to be anything but amazed after all. Here's the rest:

I believe that this shit head was "born again" 1/4 of the way through writing the article! He tried to be negative but the Horizons experience got the better of him! AND then, and then and THEN, at the end he prays for a hopeful tomorrow! He's glad that Horizons didn't show the horrors of future living. My hate for this slime-slit has turned to love because I know that in this ONE article that he ghost wrote in his very short career as a writer, he found himself.
More to come if we can all stomach it.