Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Time Travel

I finally had time to sit down and post as you see. I had time to think too. I thought about Chief and how much I love him as my pal, I thought about how it felt to "time travel" to 2083 like we all did riding Horizons. I thought about the time period in which this all took place. I thought about Chief and I trying to absorb everything around us like we WERE in the future even though it was all just a set.

I thought about how Horizons is all long gone.


  1. Horizons was amazing. Who knew 10 years after it's closing it would inspire so many good thoughts about the future. Future from the 80s: a bit far out don't you think?

  2. I just discovered this blog; y'all took some frakking amazing pictures. It's incredible how much detail was packed into this ride, detail that no one would ever see unless, well, they actually got off the ride and walked around on the sets.

    Great work!

  3. The feeling is certainly mutual Hoot! I love ya as my pal too. Our Horizons adventures were without a doubt some of the best times of my life. Im so glad you started this blog, so it gives us a place to talk about what we did, and help bring back all the memories. I still just cant believe how long ago this was, were getting old man. hehe

  4. You guys should be made honorary Disney "Legends"!!

  5. What a great tribute to your friendship.
